Despite popular belief, cheese doesn't make you gain weight nor does it increases the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Numerous studies concur that cheese is neutral at worst, and at times, can even help gain lean muscle mass.
Research shows that long-term heavy coffee drinking is associated with higher lipid levels in the blood. This, in turn, would increase a person's risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
The first case of bird-to-human transmission of H5n8 avian flu strain has been detected in Russia and has already been reported to the World Health Organization.
A study reveals dogs have the ability to smell prostate cancer that could stimulate 'robotic noses' in order to sniff out the illness via a technique called 'machine olfaction.'
Experts say ear candling does not work and has many dangerous health risks such as ear infections and punctured eardrums. How should we remove earwax then?
The MyProstateScore test is an accurate and reliable non-invasive method of detecting small amounts of cancer cells in men, eliminating the need for expensive and invasive procedures.
Scientists are scrambling to uncover the mysteries of Australia's rising flesh-eating disease cases and how possums play a role in human transmissions.
We usually get butterflies in our stomach and reaching that point of infatuation after meeting someone we like. But how long does it take to fall in love?
Science reminds you not to forget to keep your heart healthy during this Heart's Day. Here are some tips and habits that you should include in your day-to-day life to keep your heart healthy.
A dark letter on a white page contains is presumed to have a similar contrast outdoors, under the brightest light, compared to indoors, under the dimmest light.
New research has recently presented how ketamine might be effective in practice, with those who have chronic suicidality provided fast relief through a regular dose of the drug.