As microplastic pollution becomes a growing problem, fibers have been identified as a major pollutant. Recently, researchers have identified another potential major pollutant: tires.
Plastic-consuming organisms have been discovered years ago, yet aren't enough to efficiently rid of global plastic pollution. In a recent study, scientists combined two plastic-consuming enzymes that eat plastic up to three times faster than their natural counterparts.
Researchers discover microplastics in the organs of cadaver donors, revealing that everyone inevitably ingests plastic pollution. The team from Arizona State University hope to create 'an atlas of human pollution' to show how much of the organs are exposed to microplastic particles.
Experts pointed out that according to the survey, more than half of the contaminants are clothing fibers that are commonly washed out from washing machines.
Despite sustained effort in keeping the use of plastic bags low, people have overlooked the fact that they may only be cleaning up 1% of the total plastic used.