Oldest Independent Science Fiction Bookstore in the US Burned Down in Minneapolis Riots

Reading science fiction books could give someone so many benefits, including improved neural connectivity in the brain, improved analytical skills, memory, and vocabulary, so, whether reading it on kindle or from a paperback, it sure has endless benefits.

In one study, scientists tested the neural activity of a person's brain before, during, and after reading a novel. They found that it caused significant brain connectivity increases that could last after reading the book to several days.

But more than that, reading books can give a person a sense of visiting worlds that they could never dream of seeing in their lives. It provides inspiration and hope to the readers. But what happens if every book lover's favorite sanctuary in town suddenly disappears and returning is not yet an option?

Uncle Hugo's Bookstore Burned Down in Riots

Sad news broke down on May 30 for Twin Cities book lovers when Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore and its adjacent establishment Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore burned down during the riots in Minneapolis. Krypton Radio reported that it is just one of the businesses in the area that was destroyed during recent unrest following George Floyd's shocking death by the police.

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore was the oldest independent science fiction bookstore in the United States, founded in Minneapolis. Minnesota more than four decades ago, on March 2, 1974. While its companion shop, Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore, opened in a nearby location in 1980, it was not until 1984 when the two moved to a shared location.

Don Blyly, the owner of the famed bookstore, recalled that it was 3:30 on the morning of May 30 (or May 29) when he received a phone call from the security company of the store that something terrible happened to the bookstore.

When he arrived at the store, it was already engulfed in flames along with its adjacent store, Uncle Edgar's Mystery Bookstore. In the morning, both stores have already burned down to the ground.

"There was a call from the security company around 3:30 this morning that the motion detector was showing somebody in the building," Blyly said on Facebook via Uncle Hugo's official page. "As I pulled into the dentist's lot, I could see that flames were leaping out the Uncles' front windows," he added.

With the damage caused by the civil insurrection, Blyly is uncertain if he can get anything from the insurance company to rebuild the Uncle's. But since the place was well-loved by patrons, a lot have expressed their willingness to help rebuild the bookstore.

To support the cause you can visit their GoFundme Page.

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