A new study finds that stay-at-home American adults gain half a pound every ten days or roughly two pounds every month.

The study, entitled "Body Weight Changes During Pandemic-Related Shelter-in-Place in a Longitudinal Cohort Study," posted online by the JAMA Network health journal, reveals that American adults under stay-at-home orders gain an average of 0.59 pounds in every ten days they spend on lockdown.

In total, the study suggests that Americans gained as many as 20 pounds in 2020 and early 2021 for some newly stay-at-home employees.

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Stay-At-Home Adults Gained Two Pounds A Month During COVID-19 Pandemic, Study

American Adult6s Piled on Pounds During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is at its second summer, and many Americans are worried about slimming down after being under stay-at-home for many months.

University of California cardiologist Dr. Gregory M. Marcus told The New York Times that stay-at-home orders are making the weight gain health problem in the US worse and is affecting many people during this time.

The weight gain's main cause was likely because of the changes in physical activity and patterns of people's daily living and the concurrent self-reported increase in snacking and overeating.

According to The Hill, the trend was observed by Americans last year as there was a surge in sales of fitness equipment during lockdowns in March and April. Also, remote fitness instructors reported an increase in class bookings during that time.

Moreover, a survey by the American Psychological Association showed that 42% of over 3,000 respondents said they gained weight amid the pandemic, wherein the average person gained 29 pounds.

That number is even higher among the millennials, in which 50% of them said that they experienced an undesired weight gain of an average of 41 pounds, which is the highest among any other generation in the group.

Obesity medicine specialists like Dr. Angela Fitch, the associate director of Massachusetts General Hospital Weight Center, said that millennials' reported weight gains are striking and alarming, Fitch told the CBS News. Indeed, last year was a challenging year on multiple levels.

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How To Lose Gained Weight During the Pandemic

Losing the gained weight during the pandemic is not easy. But experts have presented some recommendations to lose weight effectively.

According to Philly Voice, eating more produce and less processed foods could help avoid gaining more weight. That includes sugary beverages that contain excessive calories. Also, exercising and reducing calorie intake could cut 500 calories per day.

Those under stay-at-home orders should also keep a daily routine and plan their meals to help them stay on track with their fitness goals. Accordingly, dressing up for work helps in weight control since staying in sweatpants every day may hide gradual weight gain.

Skipping breakfast is also not recommended as studies show that those who eat their breakfast every day have a lower body mass index than those who skip it.

Lastly, experts recommend using the time at home to try new and healthy recipes to improve their sleep regimens associated with obesity.

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Check out more news and information on Weight Gain on Science Times.