Watch Florida Man Asks Help From Alligator to Open Beer Can; Are Gators Dangerous?
(Photo: Pexels/Magda Ehlers)

A Florida man had a surprising assistant opening a can of beer -- a gator!

Florida Man Asks Alligator To Help Open a Can of Beer

A viral video shows a man from Florida holding a can while seemingly leaning on the water, waiting for something. After a few seconds, a swimming alligator appears. The gator opens its mouth, and the man seemingly pierces the can into the gator's teeth, leaving holes in it. The beer spills, and then the gator swims away.

The man hands the can to one of his companions, and the rest cheer. After the man empties the can, they hug and give each other high-fives.

The viral video has since garnered 3.1 million views as of this writing. It has received several comments, many expressing how impressive the gator is.

One said the gator seemed to know the job because it came over, bit the can, and swam away. Another agreed, saying the gator was aware of its mission.

A different person said the gator appeared friendly. Another pointed out how the man "impaled the can" on the gator's teeth. Another commenter said that the gator appeared trained, and the guy in the video knew what he was doing.

Another user praised the man who faced the alligator, saying he used an "interesting choice of tool" to open the can of beer. The man's resourcefulness was reportedly "at its finest." The social media user added that Florida never failed to surprise them with its unique solutions. Meanwhile, a different person said it was the "Florida Manniest" he had ever seen of all the Florida men.

While the video entertained many, another clip featuring a couple in Florida feeding a seemingly gentle gator was called out by many. In the footage, the couple was seated in chest-deep water, and the man took a portion of the sandwich from the woman and fed it to the gator.

Several were furious because the act had been discouraged. It is illegal to feed alligators in Florida. Many wanted the couple to be ticketed or arrested because feeding wild animals would reportedly prompt them to approach people, increasing the risk of gator attacks.

ALSO READ: 8-Foot Cannibal Alligator Caught Eating Smaller Gator in Florida; How Common Is Cannibalism Among Reptiles?

Gator vs. Crocs: Are Alligators Dangerous?

Although unquestionably dangerous, alligators exhibit more timidity than crocodiles. When humans approach alligators, they normally attempt to flee by moving toward the closest body of water.

Wild alligators only come out to attack when startled, agitated, or protecting their young. Although they are naturally terrified of people, alligators can become less so with frequent interaction.

Feeding them is nearly always a poor idea unless under strict conditions, as they will lose some of their fear and start viewing humans as a food source. Additionally, they may confuse young toddlers and pets for prey.

Conversely, crocodiles have significantly worse tempers and are more prone to attack people, even without warning. Most people agree that Australian saltwater crocodiles are the world's most dangerous, with Nile crocodiles coming in second.

On the other hand, the American crocodile is among the timider species and rarely attacks people. Alligator attacks are more common in the United States than crocodile assaults, though both are extremely uncommon.

To avoid alligator attacks, maintain a safe distance. The more space you give the gators, the better. Also, leave it alone and never provoke it in any way because they are typically defensive.

Also, please don't feed them because it will present a problem in the future. If alligators learn they can find food with little to no effort from humans, they will abandon their natural sources and seek out humans.

RELATED ARTICLE: Homeowner Shot a 7-Foot Alligator 4 Times in the Head While the Beast Was Biting His Dog; FWC Will Not File Charges for the Killing

Check out more news and information on Alligators in Science Times.