Good Diet Boosts Male Fertility & Quality Of Sperm

One of the major problems faced by a number of modern couples is that of Infertility. This often happens due to the male partner having decreased sperm quality. A recent study provides an insight into the relationship between sperm quality and male fecundability with that of diet, food and nutrient intake.

As per Medical Express, the researchers say that a number of fertility clinics these days recommend simple changes in the lifestyle and food habits of couples in order to eradicate the problems regarding fertility. Suggestions are also given to indulge into activities like yoga and reduce the amount of alcohol and caffeine intake. There is, though, not enough scientific proof to bat in favor of food intake being related to sperm parameters.

A systematic review of all the observational studies on quality of sperm and male fecundability, a first one of its kind, and its relation with food and nutrient consumption has been recently undertaken by the scientists at the Human Nutrient Unit of the Universitat Rovira I Virgili (URV) and the Pere I Virgili Health Research Institute. Both are situated in Tarragona, Spain. They are also members of Ciberobn network of the Carlos III Health Institute.

According to the Universitat Rovira I Virgili (URV), the results of the research point towards the fact low-quality parameters are inversely associated with diets rich in nutrients like omega 3 fatty acids, various antioxidants, and vitamins. Lowly saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids also make up a considerable amount of the diet. It was seen that while fish, shellfish, seafood, poultry along with cereals, vegetables, and fruits, milk are linked positively with several sperm quality parameters, red meat, alcoholic drinks, caffeine etc have a negative impact on the chance of pregnancy or fertilization.

The study shows that a healthy diet can improve the number of sperm quality in men. It also has a positive impact on the fecundability of their partners. The researchers are carrying on with similar types of studies in order to find out safer and better dietary recommendations in the future.

The study results have been published in the prestigious scientific journal "Human Reproduction Update" recently. It has been of huge impact in the fields of Human Reproduction, Gynecology and Obesity.

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