Samsung Galaxy S8 Will Soon Surface With 24-Karat Gold, 18-Karat Rose Gold, And Platinum Editions

Enthusiasm has no limits and no boundaries. The same thing happens when a UK based company is ready to build Samsung Galaxy S8 in gold and platinum.

According to the Digital Trends, Truly Exquisite, the UK-based company, is building the newly launched Samsung Galaxy S8 to make it more attractive. The company is making the device with 24-karat gold and 24-karat platinum. Consumers can also avail the 18-karat rose gold color.

The new one is exactly the same as the other one. There is no significant difference between them. The only thing is instead of a standard metal this one should be equipped with the very expensive metal platinum and gold. It is an obvious fact that this new Samsung Galaxy S8 model will cost more.

Sources reveal that consumers in the UK have to pay 2,250 pounds for this flagship handset. But, if they live state-side then the cost will be $2,800. In a word, both the gold and platinum editions of the Samsung Galaxy S8 are very costly.

Now with this hefty amount the owner will get the opportunity to cherish some new things. This new edition of the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be available with a collector's box, a leather card holder, Samsung Gear VR. A wireless charging stand will also exist in the package.

A few days ago Science Times reported that a new Samsung Galaxy S8 model with 6GB RAM will surface very soon in South Korea only. It seems that a set of new surprises about this flagship device is taking place continually after its launching. Tech enthusiasts around the world are eagerly waiting to cherish this smartphone.

The best part is this Samsung Galaxy S8 edition includes the 64GB model. Consumers can have the device unlocked so that it can support any networks. That means this efficient model is acceptable everywhere.

The UK-based company has announced that the new shiny Samsung Galaxy S8 will see the daylight in the month of May. To attract customers, the company has also declared that there will be no shipping charge for this device. A warranty period of six months will be added to the device. In a word, the gold and platinum editions are taking this costly smartphone to a higher level.

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