NASA's Curiosity rover recently captured a strange photo of a formation of rocks on Mars that looks like a perfectly carved-out doorway on the Red Planet, igniting alien conspiracy theories.

As indicated in a ScienceAlert report, "the doorway doppelgänger" is quite eerily convincing that anyone is nearly tempted to begin believing that leads to a small hideaway for Martians, or probably, a portal to another Universe, wholly. More so, the same report said that "we're getting tunnel to the center of the planet" vibes from this.


At the very least, the image, as well as the geological feature it's captured would appear to be adequate to inspire a single or two science-fiction movies.

Nevertheless, the far more sensitive subscribers of Reddit have referred to this likely being a shear rupture-- the outcome of some sort of strain on the rock that breaks part of it off, probably given a helping hand by one to two marsquakes.

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Martian Surface
(Photo : NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS via Getty Images)
A rock outcrop called Link pops out from a Martian surface that is elsewhere blanketed by reddish-brown dust, showing evidence of an ancient, flowing stream.

Door-Like Rock Formation

Certainly, the most massive temblor recorded on the red planet thus far, took place in early March this year, and researchers are still working to pinpoint where exactly it took place and what caused such an occurrence.

Furthermore, while the door-like formation of rocks may seem to be full-sized in the human imagination, it is plausible that the cavity seen is just a few inches or centimeters tall in real life, although it is difficult to be sure from the image.

One can view a larger, colorized version of the original image on the GigaPan website. Specifically, the doorway shape is up towards the composite image's top part, slightly to the left part of the center.

The photo was captured at a geological feature also called Greenheugh Pediment, on May 7, 2022, by the Mast Camera onboard NASA's Curiosity, a similar Independent via MSN report specified.

Close-Up Shots of Mars

During the years when there has been access to close-ups of the Red Planet from orbiters and landers, everyone has been treated to some odd yet wonderful snapshots of Mars, specifically craters filled with ice, unusual chevron-shaped rock formations, and hollowed-out mountains, among others.

When it comes to bizarre discoveries in space that appear to resemble extraterrestrial structures, it is essential people don't get carried away with what granulated images can at times, suggest.

One may remember the odd, cube-shaped object that was spotted last year on the Moon by the Yutu 2 rover of China.

After further research, it turns out that the "alien hut" was merely another rock, with tricks of light, as well as perspective, providing its cuboid shape.

Mystery Doorway

In a similar way, it has been suspected that this mystery doorway will eventually have an explanation that's as ordinary, although there is a lot of fun speculating momentarily.

A Vice report indicated that the Perseverance rover of NASA, which landed on the Red Planet last year, is currently retrieving rock cores from an "ancient dried-up lakebed" that could turn out to be the first pristine specimens of Mars ever came back to Earth if all goes to plan in the next 10 years.

Report about the extraterrestrial doorway discovered is shown on the Wonder World's YouTube video below:


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