New research on a 4.45 billion-year-old Martian meteorite reveals evidence of hot water activity on Mars, suggesting the planet may have once been habitable.
NASA's Viking missions of the 1970s may have unknowingly destroyed potential evidence of Martian life due to water-based experiments unsuitable for Mars' arid conditions.
Chinese rover Zhurong's discovery of potential ancient ocean evidence on Mars’ northern plains raises exciting possibilities for the planet's history and potential for past life.
A new NASA study suggests that microbial life could potentially survive beneath Mars' ice sheets, where sunlight-filtered pools of water may enable photosynthesis.
NASA Mars simulation volunteers reemerge after a year-long isolation. Discover the goals of the CHAPEA mission and its significance for space exploration.
In the future, human civilization on Mars could be accompanied by an extraordinary and resilient little plant. Continue reading the article to learn more.
A planetary alignment will greet early risers this weekend as three planets will appear in a row with the Moon before daybreak. Check this article to learn more.
Some photographs taken from Mars suggested that there might have been an ancient civilization on the Red Planet. Continue reading to know the full story.
For the first time, water frost has been found close to the planet's equator, Olympus Mons, the tallest volcano in the solar system. Continue reading to learn more.
Rovers and orbiters based in Mars have allowed scientists to get views of incredible Martian auroras, which are unlike the ones that can be seen on Earth. Read to learn more.
Discover how a €15 million EU funding boost for the ICARUS Project aims to revolutionize Mars landings with an inflatable heat shield and enhance space sustainability. Read more!
Daniel Lalich says the idea of Mars having liquid water is exciting, but he isn't convinced that's the case with regard to the radar echo that MARSIS picked up in 2008.
A giant Japanese space elevator promises to bring tourists to Mars in just three or four months, but experts warn of a significant danger. Learn more about it in this article.
"Martian meteorites are the only physical materials we have available from Mars," according to geologist James Day. Continue reading to know the full story.