8-Foot Alligator Spotted Hiding in Attic During Home Inspection; Official Initially Thought It Was a Stuffed Animal

A huge alligator was spotted in an attic during an inspection of the building. The inspector initially thought it was a stuffed animal.

Alligator in the Attic

A man from North Carolina was inspecting a home construction site and ran into an unexpected and unwelcome guest - an 8-foot alligator.

Dean Brown, a code enforcement officer for New Hanover County Building Safety, was checking a three-story home and saw a large figure in the attic near the air conditioner. He told Fox 35 Orlando that he thought it was a stuffed animal thrown up in the attic as a joke.

However, when he looked closer, he realized it was a reptile and was asleep then. He shined the flashlight in its direction, and when it flashed over the beast's face, its eyes opened wide.

Brown said he was only two feet away from stepping on the alligator's head. He immediately informed the construction crew about the rare find. However, they thought he was joking and didn't take it seriously.

Brown said they thought he was crazy for claiming that there was a large reptile in the attic until they saw it themselves. The team called 911 and alerted the animal control officers. Animal control arrived and captured the alligator.

Brown told the outlet he was thankful to God for keeping himself. He also reminded the people to keep their doors closed and to avoid feeding the wildlife.

He has been in the inspection business since 1995, and for nearly three decades, he has never had an encounter as wild as the recent one.

It remains unclear how the alligator ended up in the attic.

Alligator Killed After Attacking a Dog

In a previous report from Science Times, a man from Florida shot an alligator four times in the head. After a thorough investigation, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) determined that no charges would be filed against the man.

According to a Florida homeowner, he heard a noise in the backyard of his home in Delton after he released his dog, Winston, to enjoy the outdoors around 6: 30 p.m.

He looked into it, and to his shock, he saw a seven-foot alligator grabbing onto his dog. He discharged his firearm and shot the reptile in the head while his dog was still between its teeth.

State wildlife officers took the carcass for proper disposal.

In another report from Science Times, an alligator also attacked a German Shepherd named Duch, who belongs to the Peace River K9 Search and Rescue (PRSAR) non-profit. Duch was on a rescue mission looking for a missing person when a gator suddenly struck him in the right shoulder.

The alligator's bottom fang missed his lunch by centimeters, and the top fang went through his tricep to the bone. Duch survived.

Check out more news and information on Alligators in Science Times.

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