The long-standing fantasy of mankind of controlling objects with the power of thought has not left the attention of scientists for centuries. Since Richard Caton discovered electrical signals on the brain's surface and Jose Delgado's experiments, some 80 years have passed, yet only in the 21st century was mankind able to get closer to fulfilling a notable dream. Neither telepathy or telekinesis, but rather complex technological devices - neuro-interfaces, working on the principle of brain-computer, have become a great prospect in medicine and an additional tool in the race for technological progress. Belarusian engineer Yuri Mitrakhovich invented one of the working systems in real life - the NeuroChat communication system, also known as the "Helmet of Freedom."
Nominee of the World Business Confederation's Award, the winner of the Innovation Awards in the category "Healthcare," European NeuroConvention Innovation Award's finalist, the NeuroChat project was designed for patients who have suffered a stroke or brain injury and have lost their communication abilities - about 15 million people on the planet. Bioengineering is one of the most complex and specific processes, requiring the ability to consider many factors and physiological processes related to human anatomy. Yuri Mitrakhovich, a talented Belarusian engineer, is already known to the professional community for his the MeHandA of Maxbionic Red Dot Award Winner, the first ever «Dx365» portable system for immunochromatographic express analysis of ExperimentX, the new type of respirator by MAero. With over 15 years of professional engineering background, Yuri Mitrakovich remains the leading engineer in Russia with skills and knowledge in additive manufacturing, rapid production, and foundry manufacturing.
Back in 2017, Mr. Mitrakhovich was leading the professional team at the Engineering Center of High-Complexity Prototyping at the National Research University "MISIS," and later became the author of the first successful "helmet of freedom prototype," turning the idea into reality. Mr. Mitrakhovich's prototype of the "NeuroСhat" helmet is a neuro headset with electrodes that reads the bioelectrical activity of the brain and transmits the signals via WiFi directly to a laptop computer. The system is integrated to allow correspondence via SMS and messengers. The helmet's design and the project's implementation for a non-invasive neuro-interface were implemented by him with medical precision. Сurrently the system is actively used by the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Rehabilitation and Reanimation, the Scientific Center for Neurology, and many other Russian institutions engaged in the specialized treatment of patients with "locked-in" syndrome.
In addition to improving the lives of millions suffering from severe neurological disorders, inventions like Neurochat and the mastery of neuro communication technologies, i.e., direct contact between the human brain and other artificial systems, are a serious step towards a breakthrough towards the creation of symbiotic human-machine systems. These systems are a real challenge of the time, and they will be able to provide a global competitive advantage in network communications technology. The development of unique algorithms for more precise recognition of brain signals and portable shells for the devices has already grown from experiments for good into the whole direction of the global race for technological superiority.
This is due to the enormous potential of such systems, which goes far beyond healthcare. Russia has advanced in this race; Avtomatika Concern's BrainReader, the NeuroChat project, and many others have been of interest to foreign investors for years. This was another condition for Mr. Mitrakhovich to continue developing his activities abroad. The author of the freedom helmet plans to start his production in the United States. Mr. Mitrakhovich intends to continue applying his professional knowledge and skills at YurasPD LLC in California to produce new medical rehabilitation products. In the long run, American companies with system designs "beyond reality" can successfully implement them in practice. The success of the projects will, as in the past developments of Engineer Mitrakhovich, rely on his qualifications and commitment to accomplish the impossible. The engineer shares - a few years ago, we did not think that, for example, it would be possible to analyze biological samples at home, but the Dx365 proved the opposite; the same was with the neuro interface Neurochat.
Engineer Mitrakhovich's solutions have enormous potential for continued research and, in the future, the realization of even greater ambitions that were once only the dream of millions. Yuri Mitrakovich will be a great addition to the success of the current Made in America policy. Who knows, maybe in the coming years, America will get its improved version of the Brain-Computer neural-interface incarnation. Engineer Mitrakhovich's Freedom Helmet technology will get a sequel ahead.