Alien Approaches US Military Convoy to Ask for Spare Part and Refuses to Seek Help at Area 51, UFO Whistleblower Claims
Alien Approaches US Military Convoy to Ask for Spare Part and Refuses to Seek Help at Area 51, UFO Whistleblower Claims
(Photo : Pexels/Michaël Meyer)

Jason Sands claimed to have first-hand knowledge of the US government's secret about the UFO reverse-engineering program. He shared an alleged encounter with an alien with UFO expert Courtney Marchesani, who recounted the story in a podcast.

Alien Seeks Help To The Military Convoy

Marchesani relayed Sands' incredible encounter with an alien when she appeared on the Disclosure Team podcast. According to her, the whistleblower told her he met and communicated with an alien.

Sands reportedly had a surprising encounter with a non-human intelligence (NHI) close to Area 51 in the Nevada desert when he was working for the USAF's secret UFO crash retrieval team. A convoy reportedly left Nellis on the range, and the commander instructed them not to talk with anybody.

However, one person approached them while on the road. The individual walked toward them in US military fatigues, so they stopped. Sands was in the passenger seat and rolled the window to talk to the person and check if they needed help. However, the person was reportedly "not a human being" but "another type of being." It reportedly asked him for a spare part for its ship.

According to Marchesani, Sands suggested that the extraterrestrial should go to Area 51 and ask for help. However, "That being had said 'no.'" Marchesani said it was all she had heard about the story.

Area 51 is a covert U.S. military base of the Air Force situated near Groom Lake in southern Nevada. The installation was the subject of years of rumors, particularly in light of the increasing number of local UFO sighting reports. The location was designated as Area 51 on Atomic Energy Commission maps, and this became the site's common name.

In UFO circles, Sands is a contentious character who has made several outlandish claims regarding his work with the USAF. Although the Air Force undoubtedly employed him in some capacity, there is no concrete proof that he was a member of any UFO recovery team.

In a lengthy online Q&A, he claimed that early on, they attempted to enlist him in the retrieval program, but he turned them down because he reportedly found the idea of gathering up dead bodies and such to be repulsive.

ALSO READ: US Not Hiding Extraterrestrials, UFO Sightings Likely Military Tests [Report]

US Government Allegedly Hides Crashed UFO

Last year, another whistleblower spoke about the crashed UFOs that the U.S. government allegedly concealed for years. However, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), a government office founded in 2022 to detect and, when necessary, mitigate threats, investigated the claims.

They released a report earlier this year and said no evidence supported the allegations that the government and private companies had been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology.

The AARO investigators worked with officials from the defense department and intelligence community overseeing the controlled and special access programs. They also conducted about 30 interviews and researched secret and unclassified archives. The investigators reviewed all official government investigative efforts since 1945 and were "granted full access to all pertinent sensitive [US government] programs."

Based on all of the evidence made available thus far, AARO concluded that information on specific individuals, known locations, technological experiments, and papers purportedly connected to or participating in the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology was all false.

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