Steamboat Geyser
(Photo : Pixabay / Steppinstars)

Viktor Pyshniuk, 21, has to spend a week in jail after he neared the world's most dangerous active geyser in Yellowstone National Park.

Officials of the park apprehended Pyshniuk after he deviated from the boardwalk and walked within a radius of 15 to 20 feet of the Steamboat Geyser.

Man Near World's Most Dangerous Active Geyser Gets Imprisoned

Several signs in the area note that it is illegal to leave the boardwalk. Hence, Pyshniuk was sentenced to seven days of imprisonment due to thermal trespassing. On top of this, he also had to face a fine of $1,500 and was also banned from the park for two years.

A law enforcement officer of Yellowstone National Park reached the scene after the man deviated from the boardwalk, stepped across the three-foot fence, and started walking across the hillside toward the steam vent of the Steamboat Geyser. Pyshniuk told the official that we went there just to take pictures.

The National Park Service explained that as the officer spoke with Pyshniuk, the officer told the man about how it is illegal to leave the boardwalk and how there were numerous signs in the area that noted such a regulation. The officer also explained that it is very dangerous to walk within the thermal area due to the possibility of weak ground later, mud pot geothermal features, heated steam and water, and other dangers associated with roaming around a heated and unpredictable area that is geothermal.

Yellowstone National Park houses thousands of other kinds of geothermal features. This means that the ground in some areas, such as the Norris Geyser Basin, could be fragile and thin. Stepping over it could lead to breaking and, consequently, serious injuries or burns due to the steam and boiling water under the surface.

The park laws state that it is illegal to leave boardwalks and trails that are designated. These laws are enforced in order to make sure that the park is protected and that visitors are safe. There have been various incidents in the park where individuals ended up gravely injured or killed after they left the boardwalks.

Attorney Eric Heimmann shared in a statement that trespassing on the thermal and closed areas in Yellowstone National Park is considered dangerous and may harm natural resources. For cases like this recent one, they have strong proof that a person disregarded the signs willfully and went into a thermal and closed area. Hence, federal authorities and prosecutors would opt for significant penalties, with jail time included.

ALSO READ: Yellowstone's Geysers Extinction Risks Increase Amid Climate Change; Warmer Temperatures Could Mean No More Water to Spew

Steamboat Geyser

Geysers are hot springs that may erupt periodically and release steam and water into the air.

The Steamboat Geyser is specifically considered to be the world's most dangerous geyser. It is the record-holder for having active geyser eruptions that are the tallest, as their bursts could shoot up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit of steam and water over 300 feet into the air.

The eruptions of the geyser are very irregular. Such intervals range from days to years.

After extended dormancy periods, the Steamboat Geyser was noted to be active again in 2018. Major bursts and eruptions could span a couple of minutes and stretch to more than 40 minutes.

RELATED ARTICLE: Human Foot Found Floating in Boiling West Thumb Geyser Basin; Authorities Tries to Name the Body Part Using DNA

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