Destiny Video Game Tips and Tricks: How to Succeed in Crucible

You loved the trailers and everything about this game. You wanted more of it, and so you decided to get into the Destiny multiplayer because you didn't want to increase your love for Call of Duty or Counter Strike.

And I am pretty sure that the first time you stepped into that Crucible, you were humbled. And that's the reason why you're here. There's nothing to be ashamed of, because this happens to the best of us. I'm here to help you with that.

You already know that your Call of Duty and Halo skills will only get you so far in Destiny. So, here are some of the tips to get you speed up in the multiplayer mode:

  • Prep your loadout before you start the match

It's something you should always remember to do. I know that it does not take a lot of time to go into your inventory and swap your semi-auto rifle to a full-auto rifle in the midst of a match, but you are wasting that precious killing time.

Also, remember that advantages are turned off in competitive matches. So it doesn't matter if it is a lower level weapon. Just pick a gun that has the least recoil, the best sights and the rate of fire, and also the gun that you're most comfortable with.

  • Always aim for the head

Your enemies are not going to drop like they do in Call of Duty or Counter Strike. If you want to get to the top of the scoreboard, aim for the head. You need that extra damage from the barrage of headshots to carry you through.

And like every shooter game, accuracy is the key. Try to practice and make sure that you choose the gun that lets you put the most bullets into a melon-sized target in the shortest amount of time. Choose a weapon with a lower recoil. It will let you drill into the head of your enemies.

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