DESIGNStarbucks has extended its goodness to its employees' families. Starbucks seems to be getting in a lot of news these days, aside from their amazing service for deaf-mute customers and the Holiday Red Cups, now they're at it again for the good.
Tatsumi Kimishima, Nintendo's successor after the death of the previous CEO early this year, pushed back the release date and announced that launching of Miitomo will commence on March 2016.
Multitasking just got better. You can now paint with just your eyes. Yes, without the help of any limbs you can now draw anything in your imagination's indulgence just by looking at it.
The possibility of controlling a cockroach is now at hand. A group of biologists and researchers at Case Western Reserve University found a new discovery in mind controlling cockroaches.
LG's newest smartphone offering the V10 is now available in stores LG's newest smartphone offering, V10 is now open for pre-orders in AT&T and T- Mobile and in-store availability after a few days.
The new fourth-generation TV is going on sale announced by Apple CEO Tim Cook. Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that their new fourth-generation TV is going on sale, and pre-order starts on Oct.
Professor Mark Post developed the lab-grown burger was made from stem cells. Lab-grown burgers could soon become available in the market five years from now as a company called Mosa Meat see the increase of meat products global demand.
A trove of 47 fossil human teeth from a cave in southern China is rewriting the history of the early migration of our species out of Africa, indicating Homo sapiens trekked into Asia far earlier than previously known and much earlier than into Europe.
Brace yourselves for the newest Sony Xperia Z5 family! Bragging another set of incredible smartphone features is the Sony's Xperia Z5 trilogy. Although release date is yet to be announced, three versatile phones to choose from, namely, the 4K capable Z5 Premium, the Z5, and the smaller version Z5 compact, are set to be out in the market soon.
A video conferencing through Skype will help examine the witness in a criminal trial. Skype is an IP telephony service provider that offers free calls between subscribers and offer low-cost charge to those who are not.
A teenager from Connecticut won the first prize of the 2015 Google Science Fair where she invented an express kit designed to detect the deadly Ebola virus in less than half an hour.