TECH & INNOVATIONSolar power is being used as an energy source in over 100 airports around the world. With the empty spaces airports have, why not turn them into massive solar farms?
Scientists say underwater volcanic eruptions could possibly power the entire US, but harnessing such potential energy would need a very difficult effort.
Chernobyl seeks World Heritage status out of a heap of broken images. Do you want to go to the site of the world's worst nuclear power disaster? Ukraine's government expects so.
These are energy companies that use innovative ways of converting biomass which is plant or animal-related end products to generate fuel. The fuel generated can be a replacement of the generic inorganic products such as diesel, petrol, and kerosene. Biofuel companies are gaining international recognition because of the role they play in stabilizing the ozone layer and reverse global warming.
This market is where generators of energy and suppliers trade with one another. The energy suppliers buy from the generators at wholesale prices and then add their own mark up and sell it on to customers at what is a higher price. But because the market for energy is so volatile, with prices constantly fluctuating, energy suppliers need to regularly change the tariffs that they offer to customers to reflect the changing wholesale prices.
Scientists at Pentagon said the space-based solar panel, Photovoltaic Radiofrequency Antenna Module (PRAM), could soon beam energy from space to anywhere in the world.
Scientists from Penn State University are using nuclear reactors to examine and possibly unearth the secrets left behind by debris that might have belonged to Amelia Earhart's plane.
Since 2009, Green Development has played an essential role in transforming and diversifying Rhode Island's energy portfolio via wind, solar, and battery storage
The US Department of Energy has recently awarded a grant to RTI International, CEMEX -- leading cement, concrete, and aggregates supplier on developing a CO2 capture system and commercially available carbon utilization solution.