Germany Invests In Renewable Energy Sources

Apple to Invest in Denmark's 650-ft Wind Turbines

Apple will be investing toward the construction of two 650-foot-tall onshore wind turbines near the town of Esbjerg, Denmark, the tech giant announced in a press release Thursday, September 3.
10 Energy Saving Tips You Need To Know

10 Energy Saving Tips You Need To Know

There are many ways to reduce energy consumption at home to save on utility bills and protect the environment. Here are some basic tips to follow.
Going Green With Solar Energy

Going Green With Solar Energy

The world is currently facing several severe crises. Among the biggest concerns is that of global warming.
Project ITER Paves the Way for the Future of Nuclear Energy

Project ITER Paves the Way for the Future of Nuclear Energy

The assembly of a giant nuclear energy generation, a tokamak, will be the world's largest in 2025. The international project ITER unites thousands of scientists and engineers for the future of nuclear fusion energy.
Current Oil Prices Trends and Theory

Current Oil Prices Trends and Theory

Economies all around the globe are battling the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic that has shattered the prices of major commodities and stocks. Oil has hit the lowest prices witnessed since the gulf war.

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