Hydrogen fuel as a renewable source of energy is done by splitting water. A team from Virginia Tech developed a new technique to efficiently split water by chemically reassembling a catalyst.
Apple will be investing toward the construction of two 650-foot-tall onshore wind turbines near the town of Esbjerg, Denmark, the tech giant announced in a press release Thursday, September 3.
Solar energy has been around as early as the 7th century and evolved from lighting fires to powering entire buildings. One of the latest researches on solar energy identifies a molecule capable of efficiently storing energy from the Sun.
A 1961 nuclear bomb demonstration was released by Russia's nuclear agency Rosatom. The Tsar Bomba was the largest nuclear bomb ever created. The footage has been kept top secret since the Cold War.
NASA astronauts land a safe splashdown back on Earth after two months at the International Space Station. The historic day marks new beginnings for space exploration and will be a 'springboard' for future missions.
The assembly of a giant nuclear energy generation, a tokamak, will be the world's largest in 2025. The international project ITER unites thousands of scientists and engineers for the future of nuclear fusion energy.
Scientists from Singapore were able to create a 'shadow-effect energy generator' device that produces electricity using the contrast of illumination between lit and shadowed areas.
Economies all around the globe are battling the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic that has shattered the prices of major commodities and stocks. Oil has hit the lowest prices witnessed since the gulf war.
Scientists from the University of Oregon invented fractal-designed solar panels to address two problems in society today: stress and energy production. Findings from their study claim that fractal designs have the capacity to reduce the stress, thus incorporating the design into the solar panels. Interested to find out more? Click the link above.
More than 2000 renewable energy facilities are built in areas of environmental significance and threaten the natural habitats of plant and animal species across the globe.