Switching energy suppliers save you hundreds of dollars every year. It is one of the finest ways to ensure your bills are not higher than they need to be. What's more, it is undoubtedly very easy to switch energy suppliers.
As renewable source of energy that is low on carbon emissions and produces electricity cleaner, without the carbon debt. Use of nuclear energy is responsible for 10% of the electricity produced in the world. One problem is nuclear fuel to power their reactors and it degrades during periods of continuous use.
Using chemistry to make solar energy a better and more efficient power source is not easy. Recent developments have allowed scientists, to use the whole spectrum of light not just several to create hydrogen.
Quasars are one of the most boisterous objects in the universe, and even here on earth astronomers can detect them from lightyears away. Things are now on the weirder side of quantum mechanics as physicists from the University of Vienna and MIT have dropped a new surprise on the subject.
When more is learned, there will be a stark realization that everything learned only leads to more questions and dead ends. This is the dilemma of physicists, and the attempt to unveil the paradigms of the universe is getting bumpy.
The melting temperature of graphite and graphene are high and unfamiliar. Recent experiments show a solid to gas phase transformation that skips the liquid part. Could learning more about this prove useful?
The Milky Way galaxy might be one big wormhole that crisscrosses into other galaxies like an invisible superhighway to the stars. If this is verified, then Einstein-Penrose bridges in space do exist.
It seems inside the quantum soup, there is one flavor but this favorite taste can be it, or not? (Photo : www. canva. com)It seems inside the quantum soup, there is one flavor but this favorite taste can be it, or not? The quantum world is like a boring cook, with endless possibilities of flavors.
This is the second time the observatory was able to detect gravitational waves from a collision of two neutron stars. However, it's not as grand as the first.
The quantum world seems to settle for just one flavor, when there are more to be found in the quantum soup. This favorite taste may not be the only one, as it is investigated by physicists.
Glimpsing what is inside the quantum realm is not easy, positrons and spherical nanoparticles are the subjects of investigation, and the results were unexpectedly expected.
Research by scientists and engineers might have panned out, using boron to contain super-heated plasma. In the future, tokamaks will be made to contain the power of a star to provide power for a long time.