ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEFemale European common frogs appear to fake their own death to avoid mating with unwanted males. Find out more about it in this article.
Experts were surprised to find a skin-eating beetle in Wales. Continue reading to know why. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Слободан Стевчић) Rare Skin Eating Beetle Recorded in Wales For the First Time; Discovery Baffles Scientists The rare "skin eating beetle" has already reached Wales.
Scientists investigate the carbon footprint and energy consumption of artificial intelligence, both in terms of its physical infrastructure and its potential applications. Read the article to find out more.
A low-flying helicopter mistakenly triggered a mating frenzy among saltwater crocodiles at an Australian farm during their courtship season. Continue reading to learn more about this story.
Scientists warn that almost half of the known flowering plants on the planet could be threatened by extinction. Continue reading the article to find out more.
Rising temperatures due to global warming may exceed human tolerance in certain regions, as highlighted in a recent study on climate's health impact. Continue reading for more details.
In the study, researchers were able to restrict the spread of bird flu among chickens by performing gene editing on a small section of their DNA. Read to learn more.
Among the many frescos found in the tomb, the depiction of the three-headed Cerberus is the most notable. This eventually gave the burial chamber its name, "Tomb of Cerberus." Read to learn more.