A novel theory clarifies the movement of gold, platinum, and precious metals to Earth's mantle instead of the core, possibly linked to unusual mantle structures. Read the article to learn more.
The groundwater in the U.S. is facing a major concern with increasing salinity that can harm the ecosystems and humans. Learn more about it in this article.
Newly discovered shrimp-like species in Peruvian hot spring aids understanding of rising water temperature impacts on cold-water organisms and conservation biology. Read the article for more details.
While an Egyptologist suspected nearly 200 years ago that there may be hidden chambers inside the Pyramid of Sahure, this was only confirmed recently. Read to learn more.
Archaaeologists further examined the area where the 1,000-year-old Swedish Crusade sword was found and also came across other archaeological findings. Read to learn more.
A massive heat wave could have driven over 10 billion snow crabs to starve to death as their caloric needs increased with their growing population. Read to learn more.