ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEMoths play a significant role in pollination, accounting for one-third of visits to urban crops and surprising researchers with their pollen-carrying behavior. Read the article to learn more.
In Cambodia, a male elephant whose leg was amputated received a prosthetic leg funded by international organizations to help him get a better life after an amputation. Read the article to find out more.
Despite the advantages of solar energy as potential solution in reducing carbon emissions, it also poses risks as huge volumes of solar panels are expected to be disposed in the coming years. Find out more about it in this article.
Though specialists have been familiar with boat strike events, the recent study offers concrete quantitative proof of how these strikes contribute to manatee mortality in Belize. Read to learn more.
Visual perspective-taking is an evolutionary shift in social cognition that forms the foundation for communication and understanding others. Check out this new study that traces its origins to dinosaurs instead of mammals.
Mastodons are distant and extinct relatives of mammoths and elephants. Read to learn more. A woman strolling on a California beach on Memorial Day weekend happened to find an interesting foot-long tooth.
The loops in Stone Age antler carvings may have served as finger grips, as experiments hurling spear-thrower projectiles at animal carcasses shed light on their purpose. Read the article to learn more.
A group of Korean scientists developed a technology that helps reduce the cost of producing green hydrogen using a water electrolyzer. Find out more about it in this article.
A study by a group of researchers reveal the mechanism behind the keen eyesight of baby jumping spiders which allows them to demonstrate the skills observed in adult spiders. Read the article to find out more.