ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThousands of sea lions, penguins, otters, and small cetaceans washed up ashore in Chile due to the bird flu outbreak. Read the article to learn more about what happened to these marine animals.
The global average sea level has risen about 1 meter (3.2 feet), and an expert warns that it will affect societies depending on where they are located. Read the article to learn more.
A mysterious predator was spotted attacking a deer. Continue reading to know what animal it was. (Photo: Pexels/Jim Fawns) Bizarre Predator Caught in the Act Devouring a Deer in New York; What Was It? A mysterious predator was caught on camera devouring a dead deer in New York State.
The researchers suspect dysentery could have been a severe and widespread problem in ancient cities by the Near East due to heat, flies, water supply limitations, and overcrowding. Read to learn more.
Around 3 million and 15 million years ago, climate change was observed to play a role in facilitating landslides that triggered tsunamis. Researchers warn that this may happen again. Read to learn more.
A recent study reveals that African spiny mice, such as armadillos, possess protective bony scales beneath their tail skin, previously unnoticed. Read the article to learn more.
Killer whales tend to copy what others do and this is probably the reason they attack boats. Continue reading to know what the expert said about the orcas' new fad.
As a solution to waste pollution, a team of researchers developed a type of concrete and mortar made of dirty diapers that can be used in constructing affordable housing. Read the article to learn more.
A "very alarming" study reveals that about 33% of 'non-threatened' animals are facing declines, and only 3% of them are benefiting from the current environmental conditions. Read the article to learn more details.