A Louisiana driver was in disbelief after seeing a huge alligator crossing the street. Read more. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Bernard Gagnon) Louisiana Driver Screams After Seeing Massive Alligator Crossing the Street; What Do You Need to Know About Gator Hunting? Alligator sightings have been increasing as we near its mating season.
US Navy strapped cameras to its dolphins last year to help identify undersea mines and then gave them free rein to hunt in San Diego Bay. Check out this article to know how these marine mammals behave while hunting.
While there have been reported cases of the wheat fungus disease in South America, Bangladesh, and Zambia, scientists fear that the pathogen may hit other areas as well. Read to learn more.
Official statistics of wild bird species in the UK reveal that they have dramatically fallen in 50 years with some species declining as much as 90%. Read the article to learn more details.
Upon analyzing these oldest bats ever found, researchers discovered that they belonged to a never-before-seen species of Icaronycteris. Read to learn more.