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04.13.2023 23:45 PM
The odd fur ball that turned out to be a mummified squirrel was perfectly preserved in the last 30,000 years. Read to learn more.
04.13.2023 23:19 PM
The ancient jar inscriptions were actually written in the ancient Sabaean language. Read to learn more.
04.13.2023 12:00 PM
It's illegal to feed wild dolphins and you can be fined for doing so just like this fisherman. Read more.
04.13.2023 11:00 AM
Officials were surprised to find a 7-foot alligator in the American River. Read to know how the reptile likely ended up there.
04.13.2023 08:15 AM
Chipotle is playing its part to support environmental sustainability by switching to electric grills. Read for more details.
04.13.2023 02:47 AM
Upon analyzing these oldest bats ever found, researchers discovered that they belonged to a never-before-seen species of Icaronycteris. Read to learn more.
04.12.2023 22:42 PM
With 6,000 earthquakes registered daily recently, authorities are not taking their chances. Read to learn more.
04.12.2023 10:35 AM
A bizarre creature spotted in New Orleans City Park lagoon sparked debate with some speculating it was the Loch Ness monster. Read more.
04.12.2023 10:00 AM
A gray whale has been approaching a boat captain to be groomed. Watch how comfortable they are with each other.
04.12.2023 07:30 AM
Thousands of blue creatures, not Portuguese Man O' War, were washed up on the beaches in South California. Read for details.
04.11.2023 22:23 PM
A centuries-old woman's inner thigh bone was found to have an odd rope-like lump. Read to learn more.
04.11.2023 12:00 PM
A horrifying sea creature used to roam underwater during the Devonian period. Read the article to find out what the new study said about it.
04.11.2023 11:20 AM
A Florida sheriff deputy and wildlife trapper worked together to catch a huge alligator taking a dip in a swimming pool. Read more.
04.11.2023 09:00 AM
A sea cucumber was spotted releasing a sticky substance to protect itself from a crab. Read the details and watch what happened.
04.11.2023 08:30 AM
Gas-powered cars will eventually be phased out in the future. Read to know how. (Photo: Pexels/Erik Mclean) Environmental Protection Agency Has New Standards That Will Boost Electric Vehicles Sales, Phase Out Gas-Powered Cars The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working on combatting climate change, and the auto industry will soon feel a huge difference.
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