ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists are creating an actual Jurassic Park using the DNA of extinct animals, but tyrannosaurus rex is not among them. Read the article to know the full story.
Jozeph Forakis shared the concept he has for an invisible superyacht named Pegasus. Read the article to know how they design it to produce zero emissions.
A photographer discovered the Atlantic sturgeon and uploaded an image of it on social media, describing it as nearly a meter long. Read the article to learn more details.
Meet the Daphnia pulicaria, a crustaceans species that sequence different genomes from diverse generations! Read on how this animal is capable of doing such things!
Quebec's Fred la marmotte (French for groundhog) was discovered dead on Thursday night, just hours before he was scheduled to deliver his forecast about the advent of spring. Read the article to learn how significant they are in predicting spring.
A new study suggests that birds can be conscious of their nest colors, just like humans when choosing the outfit that will fit their mood. Read on to know more about this news!
A Lancet study found that increasing the number of trees in European cities by up to 30% can lower temperatures in urban areas and prevent deaths due to heatwaves. Read the article to learn more.
The fossilized skull of the ancient fish, which swam in an estuary 319 million years ago, may hold the secrets of animal brain evolution. Check it out in this article to learn more.
During excavations in an archaeological site in Ethiopia, researchers were able to uncover a layer of sediment that held 578 obsidian handaxes that date to 1.2 million years ago. Read to know more.
By studying 31 recovered vessels, researchers were able to look into the substances used by ancient Egyptian for their special embalming recipe for mummification. Read to know more.