Know how nectar-feeding bats use their extra-long whiskers to optimize hovering and feeding. Read on to learn more about the coevolution between bats and flowers, and the impact on conservation efforts. Uncover the amazing sensory world of these creatures!
Following the latest findings on the evolution of marine ecosystems after the Permian-Triassic extinction event through a new fossil discovery. Learn how it challenges previous beliefs and its significance. Continue reading now to find out more.
The discovery of the oldest stone tools in Kenya provides a glimpse of the early days of stone technology in which creators were able to maintain a well-rounded diet. Read the article to learn more.
Willing to risk her own life, killer whale mothers believe that their sacrifice will benefit the life of their offspring, based on recent study. Read now to know more about this mother-offspring bond.
Uncover the secrets of Mary, Queen of Scots, through her previously "lost" letters. Read on to find out more about the sophisticated cipher system and the new insights into her life and negotiations.
Firing moondust on space to create a sun shield could help mitigate global warming. (Photo : Wikimedia Commons/Steve Fareham ) Creating a Sun Shield From Moondust Could Mitigate Climate Change on Earth [Study] There is a way to mitigate global warming and it involves using moondust.
Fly with Flaco, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl that has become a sensation in NYC's Central Park. Learn about its unique features, survival challenges and the impact it has on raising awareness for wildlife diversity. Continue reading for more.
A video of a dog digging a hole to bury a dead cat after being hit by a vehicle moved many. Continue reading to know why the expert said it wasn't as sentimental as it seems.
Learn the latest findings on the melting rates of Greenland and Antarctica glaciers, presenting a new perspective on the impact of climate change. Know more about this geology breakthrough in our in-depth report!