ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe atmospheric baseline station in Hawaii just detected ominous signals about our planet’s health. Continue reading the article to learn more.
MIT scientists have discovered that certain weather events can also play an important role in setting off seismic activities. Check this article to learn more.
A team of researchers has demonstrated a computationally guided synthesis of a molecule that can absorb greenhouse gasses. Find out more about it in this article.
Given how wooden material tends to decay quickly, it is rare to come across such a well-preserved discovery from thousands of years ago. Read to learn more.
Millions of years ago, an ancient group of viruses infected countless mammals, and their fragment still echoes on today. Read the article to learn more.
The Illyrian helmet that was recently discovered could have affected the enemy psychologically if it was used in the battle, according to an excavation researcher. Continue reading to learn more.
The young ruler could have bathed with his companions in this old bathroom. Read to learn more. Archaeologists have found Alexander the Great's bathroom in the palace of the Royal city of Aigai.