ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe Vogelherd horse was carved from mammoth ivory and found in Vogelherd Cave. Read to learn more. The Vogelherd was carved from Ivory and made during the Upper Paleolithic era.
Discover 'Pinkglow,' the pink pineapple. Is it a genetic marvel or just a marketing gimmick? Uncover the science and the story behind this unique fruit. Read more!
Women often choose men who are tall and toned, and baldness may go extinct in the future. Continue reading to learn more about human evolution and how it could lead to a generation of hot individuals.
Albert Einstein is known for being a Nobel Prize winner and the proponent behind the famous E=mc2 equation, but there is more to the brilliant physicist. Read to learn more.
Experience the mesmerizing light show of synchronous fireflies at Congaree National Park. Dive into nature's spectacle and witness the magic of these illuminating insects. Read more!
Discover the Rosy Saxifrage, reintroduced to a secret UK location. Learn about this extinct plant's comeback and its significance in biodiversity conservation. Read now!
Three new species of monotreme were discovered and one looked like a combination of platypus and echina so it was dubbed "echidnapus." Continue reading to learn more.