ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEExperts uncovered the possible factors that make amphibians and reptiles live longer than any other animals. Read more about the reasons why these species obtain slow aging and longevity.
A new analysis revealed well-preserved fossils of tiny cephalopod called Vampyronassa rhodanica that are neither vampires nor squids. Read to know more.
Scientists recently found the largest bacterium as big as an eyelash and named it Thiomargarita magnifica in the Caribbean. Continue reading to know the full details.
Experts discover the secretive mechanism that works behind the painful fires emitted by tentacles of jellyfish and its cnidarian cousins. Read more about the science behind these natural biophysical weapons and what it offers to the future of medicine and microscopy.
Researchers revealed the so-called ‘hide-and-seek’ game between the sea turtles and tiger sharks. Read to know how the former hides from the latter’s attack.
A study reveals how megalodons ate. Specifically, they consumed ancient food which included predators and other predators. Read to know more about the findings.
A man suffered significant injuries from a shark bite while swimming at Lovers Point Beach in Monterey Bay, California. Continue reading to know the full story.
A baby seal was caught in a muddy puddle far away from any body of water but was rescued thanks to a herd of cows. Read how the cows helped save the pup.
Scientists discovered thousands of new marine microorganisms in the ocean. Read more about why the ocean microbiome is beneficial as a natural product.
Researchers developed small fish robots with the ability to swim fast to pick up and eliminate microplastics from the environment. Read to know more about it.
The dog's owner said that the alligator dragged his pet under the water as if it was nothing, giving it no chance to bark. Read the article to know the full story.