ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEPanda fossils discovered in China revealed these animals can eat 45 kilos of bamboo up to 15 hours a day. Read more to learn more about this discovery.
The Texas A&M researchers announced the first global lake evaporation volume (GLEV) dataset. Continue reading for more details about the lake's water level worldwide.
An international team of researchers suggests that the ancestors of modern sperm whales became the fat sources of ancient sharks. Check out the full details in this article.
A new species of water lily is considered the largest in the world because it is bigger than Victoria amazonica. Continue reading to learn the details.
Feathers and high metabolism helped dinosaurs survive one extinction in chilly temperatures, which became a key to their later dominance. Read the article to know more about early dinosaurs and how they survived the Triassic-Jurassic extinction.
Belgica Antarctica, a wingless midge, faces a threat of extinction as Antarctica's winter months become warmer. Continue reading to know more about the insect’s survival strategy.
Recent research discovered an abnormality from seismic waves from the two separate yet connected earthquakes in 1998 and 2018, Earth's outer core was shown to be changing. Learn more about this study by reading on.
Experts discovered a strange tumor disease spreading across fish species that live in the Antarctic waters. Read more about the illness and the suspect behind the unusual change in the animals.
A snake expert was called in to rescue a deformed two-headed snake that decided to set up its home in a man's garden in South Africa. Check out what caused this extremely rare mutation in animals.
A young angler recently caught a remarkable catfish that was nearly totally white on the Tennessee River. Read more about this unusual fish's characteristics.
State officials issued a quarantine order for residents of Florida's Pasco County this week due to the reemergence of an invasive African land snail. Read on to learn more about this parasite that causes meningitis.
Dogs dig under or jump over fences, and some even shatter windows in response to the loud noises of fireworks during the 4th of July. Check out this article for some tips to keep pets calm and safe on Independence Day.
Vermont's Fish and Wildlife Department confirms the rediscovery of a rare orchid believed to be extinct more than 100 years ago. Read more about the plant and actions for their remaining populations.
Scientists found the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption as the strongest volcanic explosion in the modern era. Read to discover more about the occurrence.