ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEA new study confirms how genetic evolution gave some fish species electric organs. Learn more about the genetics behind the electrocuting skills of some fish groups and the secret to developing them.
Experts from the UK discovered the lost rudder of the warship HMS Invincible after its wreckage more than 200 years ago. Learn more about the history behind the wreckage and the collection of the ship's missing parts.
A Bison attacked and left an Ohio woman with puncture wounds and other injuries during a visit to Yellowstone National Park. Continue reading to know other details.
A grizzly bear in Montana has met its match in a mother moose who chased it away after eating one of its calves. Watch this amazing maternal instinct display in the wild.
Archaeology experts suggest that the Xiol metropolis in the Yucatan peninsula was once full of socioeconomic activities. Read more about the ancient Mesoamerican site and the life it held in the past.
Researchers recently came out with the first catalog of genomic diversity for endangered chimpanzees and their being illegally traded. Read to know more about it.
Experts show the cities that have the fastest sinking rate due to rising sea levels. Read more to know what induces these climate change impacts, and what could country's do to protect their coastal areas to drop from their original elevation.
Long Island was visited with lots of sharks last year and this time, a fisherman witnessed a 10-foot mako shark struggling along the shoreline of a Long Island beach. Read on to learn what happened.
The Huascaran avalanche may have been a deadly one but it saved hundreds of children’s lives. Read on and find out more about the killer quake in Peru.
Experts from Egypt discovered a whole trove of ancient artifacts in Saqqara site, where the Step Pyramid of Djoser was built. Read more about the new excavation and the materials they found.
A massive deposit of uranium was found in China. Read on to know the chemical element's uses and what will happen if a person ingests high concentrations of it.
On Monday the strongest hurricane recorded to hit this May made landfall in Mexico. Read on to find out more about Hurricane Agatha, its devastation, and understand more about hurricanes.
Climate change has been a problem across the globe, today it revealed an ancient city submerged underwater for over 40 years. Read on to find out about the ancient city of Zakhiku and its abrupt fall.
Archaeologists recently unearthed an undisturbed collection of human skeletons in an ancient hospital located in Lima, Peru. Read more about the discovery and the secrets it hid since the 16th century.