ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe fossil of a bulldog-faced dinosaur was unearthed in the Bahariya Oasis desert in Egypt. Continue reading to know more about the oldest abelisauridae fossil.
Geologists explain why minor earthquakes could produce relatively large tsunamis. Learn more about how the calamity is formed, and what regions are likely to experience the phenomenon.
A researcher revealed that red pandas are nearing extinction. Read to discover more about this species, including its declining population and habitats.
An allergist said Boston is experiencing overlapping allergy seasons resulting from high pollen levels. Read to know what’s making the symptoms severe.
A recent study reports that sunken wooden shipwrecks can influence the structure, chemistry, and biology of marine ecosystems as microbes have created their homes. Read the article to learn more.
A strange sea creature was washed ashore in the U.K. and terrified locals attacked the beast to death. Continue reading to know the details about the mysterious creature.
A fisherman who has been sharing photos of bizarre sea creatures online has once again caught a deep-sea creature dubbed as "Frankenstein fish." Check out the bizarre animal in this article.
An alerce (fitzroya cupressoides) tree from Chile could snatch the title of the oldest tree in the world or on Earth from a bristlecone pine growing in California. Continue reading to know why.
Scientists carried out the first comprehensive genetic study on black bass species to find out their correct identities. Read more about the overlooked issue regarding the bass fish and the unknown details about their biodiversity the experts found.
Scientists are all set to release a parasitic wasp that will prevent the growing population of the destructive spotted wing drosophila. Read and learn more.
Rats are being trained to carry tiny backpacks containing microphones and transmitters to allow rescuers to speak to earthquake survivors. Read to learn more.
A filmmaker captured the terrifying moment when a zombie great white shark chowed down its prey in front of him. Check out the incredible video in this article.
A large group of scientific institutes constructed the first-ever genetic map of chimpanzees. Read more about how the database was created and what it offers to the studies and conservation of the chimp species.
A company is working to develop ammonia as one of the future’s biggest renewable fuels. Discover how this may help curb air pollution and boost crop growth.