MEDICINE & HEALTHExperts urged pet owners to keep their dogs away from Yorkshire beaches after a mystery illness linked to coronavirus is spreading like a wildfire.
In a new study, a team of researchers discovered that methane in the atmosphere had raced beyond 1,900 parts a billion, which is thrice the levels discovered before the industrial revolution.
Researchers used a supercomputer to analyze 20 years of data to create a high-resolution model of the mountain-sized rock beneath Japan and found that it is directing tectonic energy to where megaquakes originate.
Last week, adolescent turtles washed up on a beach located in Kalba, in which shriveled balloons and plastic foam are being cited as among the culprit for the demise of the creatures as they are reported to be the last things turtles ate.
"Alien" species of the predatory hammerhead worm have invaded the entire world via plant trade, much like how the COVID-19 has taken over the world for the past two years, hence it was named after the pandemic.
New research of a 1.5 million-year-old vertebra, the earliest hominins may have expanded outside Africa in numerous waves, each following diverse environments and equipped for different ways of life.
Archaeologists excavated over 400 skeletons in an uncovered part of Roman town in Britain in which dozens of those were decapitated skeletons with the skulls placed between their legs.
A new study confirms that two-thirds of marine life are yet to be discovered. Phytoplanktons may also have an important role in regulating global climate.
Researchers recently reported that rising temperatures brought by climate change could lead to prolonged blackouts in the United States during peak times. According to a new study, such an occurrence will drive a rise in the number of residences and businesses that run air conditioning through the summer in the country.