ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists have found the remains of a giant millipede, known as Arthropleura, on a beach in Northumberland in England. It is said to be as big as a car, the biggest ever found to date.
The most complete dinosaur embryos, an ancient infant that's tucked into a position that's unusually akin to the present time's unhatched chickens have recently been discovered.
Ötzi the Iceman is considered to be "Europe's most famous mummy" that was believed to be murdered in the Alps about 5,000 years ago. Over 30 years since its discovery, did scientists learn anything valuable?
Recent research shows that the Himalayan glaciers have retreated by over 40% during the modern age when compared to the size and volume during the Little Ice Age period. The shocking discovery raises threats to the water supplies of hundreds of millions of Asian residents.
A bird flu outbreak was declared in the Landes region in France, the heart of foie gras production. It is the second outbreak in the southwest after an epidemic last year that culled 3 million ducks and geese.
French researchers from CNRS investigate the emergence of social conventions on non-human primates, particularly in Guinea baboons, to see how it may also be important to animal societies.
These ten bird species haven't been spotted in ten years or more, according to experts, and the bird-watching community may be able to assist in the search.
Archaeologists believed that the site where they unearthed remains of mammoths at a quarry near Swindon and spotted a Neanderthal ax was a massive buffet 250,000 years ago.
Earth's magnetic field tilted about 41,000 years ago causing the Laschamp event in which the lessened magnetic pull that sent auroras wandering toward unexpected places on Earth,
The Forest Flux service, which has been developed under VTT's leadership and utilises field surveying and satellite images, provides accurate and comparable information on the ability of forests to bind carbon.
How can something so small as bark beetles destroy something so big? Climate change has caused the insect population to bloom and now threatens more pine trees in the Sierra Nevada.
A new millipede discovered by principal biologist Bruno Buzatto, from the Perth, Australia-based Bennelognia Environment Consultants, lives up to the real meaning of its name which literally means a "thousand feet."
In a groundbreaking study a collaboration of scientists have discovered that organic phosphoros transported from land via bioaerosols fertilize marine ecosystems and help phytoplankton grow and photosynthesize.
A joint collaboration between engineers and biologists from Italy, US, and Australia created robots to mimic the natural predator of the invasive mosquitofish that has plagued endemic freshwater fish and tadpoles.