ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEOne who's familiar with King Arthur's magical sword also known as the "Excalibur," knows that it is wielded by the purveyor of round tables, as well as Britain's protector during the fifth and sixth centuries.
Researchers found evidence suggesting that the average size of phytoplankton coincided with the 400,000 orbital eccentricity cycle of the Earth hinting at a relationship between the orbit and evolution of life on Earth.
Experts confirmed that the Norwegian-Swedish wolves are already extinct since 1970. Moreover, the remaining 400 descendants of the original species that are present on the border of the countries are found to have originated from Finland.
Ancient footprints in Tanzania once thought to be from bears walking upright were now re-analyzed and found to be from humans, which is the earliest evidence that multiple hominin species lived in that area.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that bats don't just use echolocation to hunt their prey but also use it to develop snapshots of predictions as to where their prey will appear next.
Researchers from the University of Aberdeen found that a large-scale plankton eradication after the Great Oxygenation Event acted as lubricants for rock slabs that paved the way for mountain and life formation.
New research recently showed that solar winds that interact with grains of dust carried on asteroids may have contributed to filling the oceans on Earth with water.
Scientists have recently found new hope from the striking footage of a coral spawning occurrence on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia as they, among those who had firsthand experience of the spawning said "it's like being in a reverse snowstorm."