ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe San Andreas fault line is one of the largest faults in the world that runs over 800 miles across the North American plate. So, which cities were likely to experience huge earthquakes when The Big One happens?
A new study discovered the potential cause of why the human tails disapppeared. New York University Langone Health recently conducted a study that defined the potential point when humans lost their tails.
Shane Gero was one of the marine biologists whose work and insights helped shape the documentary "Secrets of the Whales," which recently won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Series.
Scientists have found a set of fossilized human footprints in White Sands National Park that dates back between 21,000 to 23,000 years ago when massive ice sheets are believed to have blocked migration into North and South America.
A study of semi-captive Asian elephants in Myanmar revealed that young elephants benefit from having older siblings, even more so if they are older sisters.
A recent discovery shows that Mayan people rebuilt their settlements from volcanic ashes and rocks within 5 years after Central America's largest eruption, Tierra Blanca Joven.
President Xi Jinping of China announced during the United Nations General Assembly that the country will stop financing the construction of coal-fired power plants abroad to limit the worldwide expansion of coal that produces heat-trapping emissions.
A pilot study showed that infants are pooping microplastics that are 10 times more than the amount detected in the stools of adults. Scientists are investigating indoor dust as one of the possible routes of microplastics.
Engineers from Lancaster University propose a new way of producing renewable biofuel additives using radiation derived from nuclear waste to achieve zero carbon emission targets.
Science Times interviewed book author Marianne Larned who penned "Stone Soup for a Sustainable World: Life-Changing Stories of Young Heroes" and a young Filipina, Mitzi Jonelle Tan about her advocacy for climate justice.
The small Spanish Island in the Atlantic Called called La Palma is struggling for days due to a volcanic eruption that led to the evacuation of thousands of people. Authorities warn of more dangers to come due to the ongoing explosions.