ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATENew York City's Barred owl Barry was possibly influenced with rat poison before its collision with the Central Park's maintenance truck.
McDonald's is taking efforts to guarantee that its popular Happy Meal toys are manufactured in a way that is safe for both children and the environment.
The short film "Life Beneath the Ice" shows in exceptional detail of dozen species of gelatinous animals underneath the Antarctic ice, wherein two species of jellyfish and three comb jelly were yet to be known in science.
Scientists are currently working on a light-emitting plant, specifically "glow in the dark" that could, in the future, replace some of the energy-intensive, inefficient electric lights currently being depended on for modern-day living.
A new study confirmed that the Chicxulub impact is still the most plausible culprit back in the Late Cretaceous mass extinction rather than the series of violent volcanisms.
According to the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service of the European Union, the ozone hole that's forming every year over the South Pole is presently larger compared to the size of entire Antarctica, the continent over which it is appearing.
63 African penguins were spotted lifeless at Cape Town after honey bees stung them to death. Sxity-three endangered penguins were found dead in South Africa, and the culprit behind the unfortunate event was not a disease or climate-induced conditions, but a swarm of honey bees.
Genetic analysis of ancient DNA on skeletons of people from before and after the farming period shows that modern Japanese people descended from three ancient cultures rather than just two.
Researchers from Purdue University created the world's whitest paint ever that works through radiative cooling that reduces the need for air conditioning and helps curb global warming.
Apprehensions that COVID-19 infection could be spread through the surface have led to a stigma around the management and handling of trash, specifically including personal protective equipment or PPEs, gloves, and masks.
The world's biggest tree can still be saved from wildfires that ravage the parched United States, firefighters who have been combating the disaster said on Friday they are positive it will happen.
September 19 marks the sixth month of the Volcanic Eruption that's presently fascinating spectators close to Reykjavik in Iceland, making it the longest this country has experienced and witnessed in over five decades.