ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEAccording to a new study of the coelacanths, the age of the fish is confirmed to be 5 times longer than the initial estimate. The coelacanths can live for up to a century
Scientists discovered a new tree hyrax species in west Africa. This closest living relative of the elephant produces a very distinct call unlike most species of hyraxes.
A new algorithm could take mass spectrometry data from molecules and help predict the identity of unknown molecules and substances that arise from them
Oregon State University modeling suggests that human-caused wildfires in Central Oregon will remain steady, and lightning-caused wildfires will decline in the next four decades. But regardless of the cause, OSU models show that the blaze produced will increase.
Scientists are looking at the exoskeleton of an Asian beetle species, using its unique properties to develop new technologies based on its color and mechanical strength.
Researchers have uncovered perfectly preserved fossils of giant rhinos in the Gansu province of northwestern China. Reconstructing the animal's anatomy showed that fossils came from a new species of giant rhinos, the largest mammals to ever walk the Earth.
A deadly disease that initially started to affect deer on Vancouver Island in 2020 is still spreading in local populaces, the provincial government recently announced.
Melanie Barboni, an assistant researcher at UCLA has come to be known as the Hummingbird Whisperer feeding more than 200 hummingbirds from her UCLA office window and advocating sustainable conservation efforts.
The world's smallest computer shed light on how one snail species evade the mass extinction of snails in the South Pacific Society Islands brought by an unusually fast predator.
The genomes of a Neanderthal father and daughter, together with their relatives in a 100-year-period timespan, helped reveal the diversity among these prehistoric family setups.
Whenever you take your dog for a walk you've surely seen them trot around with a stick back home. If you've ever wondered why they love sticks so many experts say it may be due to their genetics, breeding, or curiosity.