TECH & INNOVATIONGallaecia, also known as Hispania Gallaecia, was an ancient Roman province in what is now Northwest Iberia - and modern technology has helped uncover a long-lost camp in the high ground built and used by Roman soldiers to take the region.
Scientists have recently detected an earthquake through the use of instruments they put inside a flying balloon above California, the same mechanism that could soon detect "venusquakes."
Various experts from different institutions have uncovered the tiny bones of Cretaceous dinosaurs in the Arctic region. The findings suggest that dinosaurs had a maternity ward in the northern hemisphere and that the ancient creatures themselves may have not been cold-blooded.
Researchers from Cornell University investigates how mosquito mating cue harmonic convergence affects the immune response of their offspring and its possible implications to disease transmission and control.
A 9,000-year-old stone tool artifact was recently found by a team of underwater archaeologists, believed to have originated from a quarry in what is now central Oregon - a location 2,000 miles away.
Scientists are baffled by the suspicious deaths of birds across the United States. Wildlife experts in at least states are now investigating the cause of bird deaths.
Researchers have unearthed the fossilized skulls of an ancient bird in China that has similar skull features and functions to the apex predator, the T.Rex
A pioneering study recently found that marine ecosystems can begin functioning again, providing vital roles for humans, after being wiped out much sooner compared to their return to peak biodiversity.
A new outbreak of canine influenza was reported from Florida's Big Dog Ranch Rescue. Over 50 dogs are affected by the flu, but experts took the immediate initiative to protect the digs and keep the flu from spreading further across the center's county.
A new study recently showed flowers' invisible tactic to possibly attract their pollinators. It showed that bumblebees, specifically, may use a flower's humidity to tell them about the presence of nectar.
Aided by archaeological clues from caves used as Stone Age dwellings, a new study tests ancient cave lighting solutions to better understand how early humans lived in these caverns.
A team of researchers published a study on teaching the algorithm of a machine learning method about the physical world to accurately predict river temperature and streamflow.