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04.07.2021 21:57 PM
DNA recovered from a woman fossil in Bulgaria showed traces of Neanderthal ancestry, indicating regular interbreeding.
04.07.2021 06:45 AM
For the first time in 700 years, a moor frog that turns blue every spring has turned blue in time of the mating season.
04.07.2021 06:38 AM
The price that male baboons pay for being on the top of their group is a premature aging process, according to a recent study by researchers from Duke University.
04.07.2021 06:20 AM
Some well-preserved specimens have recently shown some intriguing new details about trilobites aside from being one of the most common creatures existing in the fossil record.
04.07.2021 02:25 AM
The Arctic walrus found in Ireland last month is now hitchhiking rides on passing ships on its way back to the Arctic Circle.
04.07.2021 02:16 AM
The three-year-old macaque in Thailand gained more than double the average weight for his species after passersby fed it junk food.
04.07.2021 02:05 AM
A new study explains how DNA-like molecules came from XNAs - xeno nucleic acids - which might be the precursor to the origin of life as we know it.
04.07.2021 00:46 AM
A recent study shows that remote-controlled Venus flytrap 'Robo-plants' and crops that alert farmers when they are struck by disease could become a reality.
04.07.2021 00:18 AM
Scientists found that the algae bloom toxin anatoxin-a (ATX), otherwise known as the Very Fast Death Factor, can also be found in air and not just in water.
04.06.2021 23:25 PM
A new luminous firefly species identified as Luciola singapura has recently been discovered in Singapore, reportedly the first time since 1909.
04.06.2021 07:05 AM
Japan's cherry blossoms have peaked the earliest this year in over 1,200 years, ten days ahead of the 30-year average of cherry blossoms blooming.
04.06.2021 06:50 AM
Lockdowns have greatly reduced light pollution, especially in cities, which creates darker skies. A national star count survey suggests a 10% drop in people seeing fewer stars, an indicator of severe light pollution.
04.06.2021 04:55 AM
A new study suggests that lightning in the Arctic region will increase by 100 percent in the coming, setting off more wildfires and carbon emissions.
04.06.2021 04:50 AM
A new study found that underwater cannibalism occurring specifically involving baby sea stars that eat each other when hungry.
04.06.2021 02:40 AM
A new study suggests that whenever possible, female sheep would prefer to mate with the less domineering males.
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