ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEPerhaps the most popular species of spiders are the brightly-colored, hairy tarantulas - and a new study might finally explain how these eight-legged creatures exist virtually everywhere on the planet.
An archaeology professor explains how Neanderthals contributed more than just genetic material to the modern man - they might have also culturally exchanged with their contemporary homo sapiens at the time.
A large amphibious centipede has been discovered in Okinawa and Taiwan, measuring 20 cm (7.9 inches) in length and the first of its kind found in Japan for 143 years.
Velociraptors have an excellent sense of smell that they used for hunting. But researchers found new evidence that these dinosaurs also hunt at night, making them scarier than previously thought.
Despite its many environmental and health risks, the practice of carbon dioxide flooding remains rampant in the oil industry with its benefits to crude production.
Since the light bulb was patented in 1879, mankind has been guided day and night by artificial lighting, now available from television sets to smartphone screens - and a growing body of research proves their effect on our circadian rhythm.
Two cases of Legionnaire's disease have been diagnosed in two individuals in Macon, Missouri - and local health officials warn visitors of the pool and hot tub at a local Inn.
Average adults - like voters and community leaders - tend to show more concern about plastic and other forms of ocean waste after watching kids' presentations.
A new AI tool uses a combination of machine learning, satellite imagery, and weather data to autonomously find locations with heavy air pollution down to the exact city block.