Some experts claim that frozen wind turbines played a major role in Texas power outages. As freezing weather conditions continue to threaten the southern United States, and an excess supply for heating has overloaded the energy grid, Texas suffered significant power failures.
An international study conducted gene sequencing on Capuchin monkeys, finding genetic clues throughout their evolution to explain their notable life expectancy and large brains.
Scientists have warned of a brain-swelling disease caused by the Nipah virus, estimated to be 75 times deadlier than coronavirus, which could be the next pandemic.
The worldwide toll of early deaths because of fossil fuel air pollution is worryingly high. The global toll of early deaths attributed to fossil fuel air pollution caused by the burning of coal, diesel and gasoline is worryingly high, with a study doubling past estimates stating that one in every five people die globally because of this.
Current models of how icebergs melt seem to be not as accurate as it seems. A study debunks how icebergs really melt and explains what it means to the changing climate.
If humans use looks to attract people when they're in love, bats depend on odor for their sex appeal. Indeed, when falling in love, humans are found to pay attention to looks.
This ancient, well-preserved tree alive when the Earth's magnetic poles flipped helped scientists pin down the more precise timing of that event 42,000 years ago.
UN report shows how society and governments need to change lifestyles in order to preserve nature and have equal footing with the destruction of the climate crisis.
Some songbirds are not affected by prolonged noise, but it does impact their reproductive success. The number of eggs songbirds lay is not affected by the din or prolonged noise, but their reproductive success is eventually reduced.
Elizabeth Ann, the black-footed ferret, becomes the first-ever cloned US endangered species whose DNA came from another black-footed ferret that died over 30 years ago.