Eco-Friendly Methods to Clean Oil Spills

Eco-Friendly Methods to Clean Oil Spills

Cleaning oil spills and preserving marine life has been challenging with the disastrous oil spills and expansion of oil exploration. For years, scientists have been developing eco-friendly ways to clean up oil pollution and protect marine life.

New Study Suggests That Monkeys Self-Domesticated

In science, there is a term for the notion that breeding out aggression in animals affects their evolution - "domestication syndrome" - and might explain some of the marmoset monkeys' physical traits.

Nature's Giants: 5 of the Tallest Trees in the World

Most of the tallest trees in the world belong to the Sequoia sempervirens or the redwoods, but other species have also given birth to exceptional specimens. Here are five of the tallest trees in the world:
Sequoias And Coastal Redwoods Appear To Flourish Despite Climate Change

Lasers Can Now Measure Biomass in Giant Redwoods

New research from the University College London (UCL) demonstrates the first application of laser technology for the measurement of volume and biomass of giant trees - used in the great Californian redwoods in this case.

A New Species of Tardigrades Can Survive Radiation

Autofluorescence or skin protection against radiation is a unique feature of a few animal species. Indian scientists discover a new species of tardigrades, which can already survive extreme environments but also survive exposure to radiation that easily kills bacteria within minutes.

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