ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEAfter months of experiencing smog-free air in New Delhi, India's capital once again is experiencing a surge of air pollution levels due to agricultural fires.
Hainan gibbons are the rarest ape, primate, and mammal species in the world. Scientists report both short-term and long-term conservation efforts in preserving the critically endangered species.
The changes in the Amazon forest brought by deforestation are driving animals, such as bats and monkeys into new areas which increases the chance of viruses and bacteria to transfer to humans.
Animal welfare campaigners have been fighting for dogs' rights that are sold as meat or for traditional medical uses, prominently in Asia. US-based charity Lady Freethinker recently conducted an underground investigation on South Korea's largest dog meat auction house.
In science, there is a term for the notion that breeding out aggression in animals affects their evolution - "domestication syndrome" - and might explain some of the marmoset monkeys' physical traits.
Climate change has been responsible for water-related events such as tropical storms, heaving rains, snowfall, flooding, and even drought. The NOAA recently announced their forecast for America's winter: colder temperatures in the north and a drier season in the south.
Most of the tallest trees in the world belong to the Sequoia sempervirens or the redwoods, but other species have also given birth to exceptional specimens. Here are five of the tallest trees in the world:
New research from the University College London (UCL) demonstrates the first application of laser technology for the measurement of volume and biomass of giant trees - used in the great Californian redwoods in this case.
Autofluorescence or skin protection against radiation is a unique feature of a few animal species. Indian scientists discover a new species of tardigrades, which can already survive extreme environments but also survive exposure to radiation that easily kills bacteria within minutes.
Countless ads have advertised the benefits of drinking milk without mentioning its effects to the environment. Here's what milk you should buy that's good for the environment.
In March, video footage showed macaque gangs fighting over bottles of milk. Currently, the thousands of macaques in the Lopburi province have reached up to 9,000, and coexisting with the monkeys have become increasingly challenging.
The latest survey at the Great Barrier Reef has shown that its populations - across small, medium, and large coral species - have generally declined over the last thirty years.