ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe first mink farms devastated by coronavirus were reported in the Netherlands. However, months later, the disease has affected mink farms in the U.S.
Heart In Diamond has revolutionized the diamond-creation industry by investing in equipment that helps keep the operating costs low enough to make it affordable to have a cremation or memorial diamond made from the hair or ashes of a loved one.
Archaeologist Arnold Muhl clarifies some of the misconceptions of the recently discovered burial site of Germanic aristocrats. The remains may give insight to the Thuringian Kingdom and the migration of Germanic tribes.
Banyan trees, commonly known as fig trees, play an essential role in tropical forests and numerous animal species. A new study reveals unique factors affecting the pollination of the species and its relationship with wasps.
Food systems contribute nearly one-third of greenhouse gas emissions, yet aren't accounted for in climate change mitigation policies. The University of California has included changing food systems across all campuses as part of its Carbon Neutrality Initiative.
Using tools to gather food was thought to be a unique ability to humans than other mammals such as chimpanzees. A new study reveals how black imported fire ants use grains of sand as a tool to forage liquid food.
The plastic waste problem has been a global issue that harms the environment and contributes to climate change. Several experts share that companies burning plastic fuel to its original fossil form are a new type of greenwashing
A new species of mosasaurs, an ancient marine reptile, was discovered on one of Mocorro's phosphate mines. Fossil evidence revealed unique physiological features explaining its predatory behavior.
Understanding the evolution of life means studying the behavior of the smallest molecules such as ancient enzymes. An old form of the enzyme rubisco gives insight on carbon fixation and photosynthesis billions of years ago before the Great Oxygenation Event.
Two newly discovered viruses, identified as relatives to the rubella virus that causes German measles, were found in animals- suggesting that rubella originally came from animals before infecting humans.
Cichlids, fishes from any of the 1,300 species under the family Cichlidae, are popular among casual collectors and scientists - with researchers like Jimena Golcher-Benavides focusing their work on these species.