TECH & INNOVATIONIn France, discarded human hair from salons and barbershops find a new purpose - by being used as a reusable ocean oil cleaner in a new and sustainable recycling project.
China has committed to becoming a carbon-neutral nation by 2060, after resolving to hit peak emissions before 2030, President Xi Jinping announced at the UN General Assembly.
Fairy circles, or circular patterns of vegetation in deserts, have long fascinated scientists. International researchers used the Turing pattern theory to confirm the natural pattern and identify the shrubs as "ecosystem engineers."
Scientists discover an undescribed species of truffles thanks to bonobos in the Congo who eat them. Truffles are edible fungi like mushrooms, but they grow underground near tree roots and costs insanely expensive, as much as thousands of dollars per pound.
Currently accounting for 3 percent of new car sales, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are sold as low-carbon alternatives to fossil fuel and conventional hybrid cars. But a new report threatens to shatter their green credentials.
A team of researchers set out to understand how some organisms develop resistance to radiation within the Earth, a place naturally protected from solar radiation by its own magnetic field.
A pod of nearly 270 whales was discovered beached off the coast of Macquarie Heads, Tasmania. Rescue efforts continue for what may be the misadventure of social pilot whales.
An outdoorsman found a strange red creature on the beach of Puget Sound in which the researchers confirmed that it was a seven-armed octopus that hides one limb except during mating.
There are multiple theories regarding how crocodiles and birds became separate species after millions of years of sharing the same ancestral species. British scientists may be one step closer in discovering how the two species evolved as they analyze the unique anatomy of the Euparkeria dinosaur.
Human activities have an outsized impact on monarchs’ ability to migrate yearly to these specific sites. Development, agriculture and logging have reduced monarch habitat. Climate change, drought and pesticide use also reduce the number of butterflies that complete the journey.
Australians researchers have identified nearly 91 endangered marine species legally fished and traded internationally. Although making international, sustainable fishing policies is complex, they are necessary to save threatened species from extinction.
The presence of the humpback whale on Australia's crocodile-infested river baffled scientists. Fortunately, the whale has found its way back to the sea safely.
Saqqara, Egypt, is one of the largest cemeteries, or necropolis, with mummies from various dynasties. The recent discovery of 27 stone tombs called sarcophagi is the largest discovery in a single site to date.
Javan rhinos are one of the most threatened rhino species around the world. With less than 100 left in a single national park in Indonesia, the sighting to two calves bring hope that their species can still be saved.