ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEPercebes or Gooseneck Barnacles were discovered on a large piece of driftwood at a beach in Wales. Typically harvested from Costa Da Morte, Spain, the family didn't know that their discovery was worth thousands of dollars.
A frozen 400-year-old chamois, a goat-antelope species, was discovered by hikers in the Italian Alps. Scientists hope that further research will help them find ways to conserve the DNA of ice mummies.
Traditional leather may soon be replaced with more ethically and environmentally friendly alternatives such as fungi. Aside from commercializing sustainable leather, scientists and designers are developing other fungi-based products.
The California wildfires are still happening and yet a supposedly joyous occasion has made it worse. A gender reveal is now allegedly responsible for the burning of 7,000 acres.
Stone forests have unique origins that began underwater hundreds of millions of years ago. Researchers from NYU demonstrate the natural flow of how these rocks dissolved using a candy model.
The 'zombie' wildfires, not directly caused by human activity, in the Arctic have been the largest fires recorded over the last 17 years. The amount of carbon and methane emitted by these large fires are record-breaking and take several months to contain.
Seed packets have been mailed to people around the world via Amazon deliveries, causing the company to update its online selling policies. The seeds were not ordered by anyone and have inauthentic post markings from China.
California temperatures are soaring over the weekend, sending people to mountains and beaches, and raising doubts over power outages and another possible spike in coronavirus cases.
San Deigo Zoo Global announced the successful cloning of the Przewalski's horse, a critically endangered species. Conservation efforts of endangered species and the revival of extinct species may be possible through biotechnology and other reproductive technologies.
A team of veterinary experts from different parts of the world has conducted a medical examination on Pakistan's only Asian elephant, a procedure before moving the animal to its new home in Cambodia.
Humans have contributed to animal extinction since the Late Pleistocene, and a new study suggests there are more than 500 species to follow by the year 2100.
Since Aristotle's time, scientists and authors have been fascinated by the European eel, which still has a lot of secretive attributes such as their transformation process. They are currently tagged as endangered species with multiple threats such as climate global warming, habitat loss, and being fished as food.
Scuba divers and some researchers often catch the bright colored flamboyant cuttlefish in the ocean or in labs and aquariums. However, a team of marine biologists clarify that the species typically looks like a lump of sand or muddy brown, saving its bright colors for mating, flirting, and scaring predators.