ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEFor the first time, researchers trace high concentrations of numerous toxicants in stranded whales and dolphins found in the coasts of Florida and North Carolina. Chemicals from fossil fuels and single-use plastics make their way into the marine environment and can be found in the fish and shrimp that dolphins and humans eat alike.
For the first time, beaver families are given the legal right to remain in the River otter after a five-year study by the Devon Wildlife study confirmed that they will not pose any harm to the environment.
Herbivores are apparently facing the greatest risk of extinction, a new study suggests. Herbivores, animals whose diets revolve around plants, are supposedly facing the highest risk of extinction, a new study suggests.
Researchers from Northwestern University have tapped citizen scientists, some 2,000 of them, for a crowd-based analysis of seismic recordings - an activity previously limited to specialized computers or trained professionals.
With temperatures getting significantly warmer each year due to global warming, mosquitoes carrying deadly viruses are thriving in areas like Los Angeles, California. The same pattern is happening on a global scale.
The genetic analysis of modern-day lions, extinct cave lions, and well-preserved, cave lion cubs reveal the relationship of their species. Scientists finally answer the debate of whether or not they come from the same ancient species.
Archaeologists found fluted-point stone technology in Yemen, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates similar to those found used by Native Americans 13,000 years ago.
Tuataras are some of the oldest living species that have existed since the time of the dinosaurs. Researchers from New Zealand and Australia were surprised to discover just how complex the tuatara genome is and its rightful place in the tree of life.
Scientists revealed 11 new emperor penguin colonies using the European Commission's Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite mission. In total, the world has now 61 confirmed penguin colonies around Antarctica.
Angel sharks are unique for resembling stingrays closer than other shark species. Analyzing their evolution since the time of the dinosaurs gives insight on their survival as a threatened species today.
A beetle has found its way to survive inside its predator's body through the "back door." Amazingly, it survived even after being eaten by the frog. It appears to be in good health after escaping.
Locusts are one of the legendary 10 plagues of Egypt mentioned in the bible. Now, one Israeli firm wants to puts it in the menu in the Holy land and beyond as a new source of protein. But is eating locusts a kosher? The answer is not so simple after all.
Parasites may have problems with public relations, but like other living organisms they also play a big role in the ecosystem. An international team of parasite ecologists wants to conserve parasites and lays out its plan on how to do it.