Whale Watching Season Underway In Sydney

5 Strange Sounds No One Can Still Explain

Some of history's mysterious sounds have been solved, as the case with the infamous "Bloop" of the 90s, now known to be caused by Antarctic ice cracking and falling into the ocean, picked up a distance away. Here are four of the strange sounds picked up and no one can still explain.
Science Times - Climate's effect on agriculture

New Guidelines Can Help Farmers Deal With Climate Change

A collaborative report identifies indicators that can help farmers in the agriculture sector under five major categories, such as temperature patterns and the welfare of livestock. Teaching farmers and land managers the effects of climate change can help with major decision-making.
Indigenous People Are Teaching Researchers About the Environment

Indigenous People Are Teaching Researchers About the Environment

Linking nature and cultural systems are essential for the future of biodiversity, ecosystems, and the environment. This can only be achieved if researchers and organizations work together with Indigenous people with generation knowledge of local ecosystems and remote areas.
Former Fashion Executive Killed In A Shark Attack In Maine

Former Fashion Executive Killed in a Shark Attack in Maine

Julie Dimperio Holowach, former fashion executive, is the first recorded human death by a shark attack in Maine. She was swimming with her daughter when the incident happened, and although she has died her daughter was able to escape without any physical injuries.

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