ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThis is the outcome that is predicted by a machine learning earth system model, that predicts an outcome that is not compatible with some assertions. One speculation is that climate change will affect phytoplankton, that is at the bottom of the food chain in the ocean.
A photo dated back to 1964, sent off Emese Bordy from the University of Cape Town to track down what he saw in the photographs. It captured images of dinosaur footprints located on a farm in South Africa.
In the age of the dinosaurs, not too many would evolve into a semi-water going lifestyle, but the Spinosaurus aegyptiacus is an exception. Scientists have studied the massive meat-eaters fossil and found clues of its watery adaptation about 95 million years ago (MYA).
In ancient seas and earlier epochs, a large and ancient leviathan terrorized all sea creatures. Killer Whales would be nothing compared to this sea monster, that cannibalized other whales too.
Increased numbers of whales getting entangled are raising a red flag, with more instances of it happening. Disruptions that are caused by entropy and climate change is now causing changes like marine heatwaves. This happens when changes in the normal worldwide temperature of seas increase affecting fisheries and ocean-going species.
Changes in climate prompt nature to find ways and means to survive, and plants are very efficient as far as their evolutionary responses developed to deal with it. They dig deeper into the soil with their roots, looking for trapped moisture when there is drought. How it works is what scientists are studying now, of vital importance as well.
Are we running into the arms of oblivion as mankind's mad dash to doomsday? Everything is pointing to midnight as the time when mankind invariably meets its doom.
Scientists make a valuable discovery in a glacial plateau on the northwest part of Tibet in China. This discovery finds viruses that were in a deep freeze in the glacier for the past 15,000 years. These viruses are archaic and unknown to science, and it will give an idea of how viruses developed and culture that long ago.
Before modern elephants arose, in Europe and Asia in the Pleistocene and Holocene eras the Palaeoloxodon lived. It is an extinct species of straight-tusked elephants that were very different from the curved tusks of modern elephants in our present period.
A new kind of carnivorous dinosaur is announced by the Natural History Museum of Utah, newly designated dinosaur "Allosaurus jimmadseni". Discovered in the 1990s at the Dinosaur National Monument in northeastern Utah, and it lived in the flood plains in 157-152 million years ago (MYA) during the Later Jurassic Period.
This species of walking sharks are located in the Australia-New Guinea region, often frequenting the islands, reefs, also shoals found in these places. To be exact most of these animals will found topographies that are far main areas, near shallow seas.
In the remote frontiers of Alaska, remains of dinosaurs were found in the least expected of places. Living in the cold frontiers were only a few dinosaurs were thought to exist in these northernmost locations.
Dinosaurs are accepted to be dominant in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, ruled the earth for 135 million years. Many fossils were found that point to many habitats with them existing there.