Scientists Discover the Thinning of Ice Sheets in Antarctic

Almost one-fourth of the ice in the West Antarctic are said to be unstable. According to the lead author of the study, Andy Shepherd, a polar scientist at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, some ice sheets in parts of Antarctic has thinned by extraordinary amounts.

Biodiversity Crisis Puts Humans at Risk

The problem on biodiversity is getting worse with cimate change and human lives may be at risks. (Photo : CLM-bv) The world's leading scientists are giving humans a fair warning before they release the results of their study concerning the Earth and its survival after biodiversity.

Heat Will Drive Lower Crop Yields, Not Drought

Researchers forecasted the enormous losses for maize and spring wheat, but more resilient crops such as sorghum, which is half as sensitive to high temperature as maize, will experience less damage

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